BB's 5th November Bonfire & Fireworks evening - Yeldall Manor
As the 5th November fell on a wednesday this year we thought we'd make more of an effort - a simplified version of our family bonfire night from a couple of years ago.
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Great team effort last night. Thanks for all your help. A hit all round I think. Based upon the fact I ordered 80 sparklers – and not all the youth got one, I’m guessing we must have been around the 120 in total ? – probably more. Not bad considering we only came up with the idea 2 weeks ago. That’s the BB way – idea through to deployment in the shortest possible time! Even the mini bus travel arrangements seemed to work. The refreshments sort of worked – I was surprised how quickly it all came to an end once the mini buses left – was expecting older ones to hang round more – but hey, I got an early evening – and what a superb evening; - perfect; - clear sky, no wind , mild and that fantastic moon as a backdrop. But overall , to pull this off on an evening during the week, when we all had to rush from work to make it happen was a superb effort – and we don’t have to repeat for another 7 years !
Many thanks to Colin for allowing us to use Yeldall and setting up the electrics etc. I hope we’ve left it in an OK condition? We had a good look round before we left – but if not we can come out on Saturday morning to do any further clear up. Please let us know.
The fireworks came to £308 and Mike collected £311. I’m sure a bit more will trickle in – so we’ve covered our costs. The fireworks were excellent.
And most importantly we hopefully helped people feel welcomed and connected – there were certainly a number of adults who aren’t connected to church.
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Great team effort last night. Thanks for all your help. A hit all round I think. Based upon the fact I ordered 80 sparklers – and not all the youth got one, I’m guessing we must have been around the 120 in total ? – probably more. Not bad considering we only came up with the idea 2 weeks ago. That’s the BB way – idea through to deployment in the shortest possible time! Even the mini bus travel arrangements seemed to work. The refreshments sort of worked – I was surprised how quickly it all came to an end once the mini buses left – was expecting older ones to hang round more – but hey, I got an early evening – and what a superb evening; - perfect; - clear sky, no wind , mild and that fantastic moon as a backdrop. But overall , to pull this off on an evening during the week, when we all had to rush from work to make it happen was a superb effort – and we don’t have to repeat for another 7 years !
Many thanks to Colin for allowing us to use Yeldall and setting up the electrics etc. I hope we’ve left it in an OK condition? We had a good look round before we left – but if not we can come out on Saturday morning to do any further clear up. Please let us know.
The fireworks came to £308 and Mike collected £311. I’m sure a bit more will trickle in – so we’ve covered our costs. The fireworks were excellent.
And most importantly we hopefully helped people feel welcomed and connected – there were certainly a number of adults who aren’t connected to church.